
BA Criminal Justice

Catalog Term Fall 2012

Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Criminal Justice
Concentration: None

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

MATH 1314 and a statistical analysis course

Foreign language to meet Communication requirement (3 hours)

Required Courses for Major

  1. 18 Semester Hours:
    1. CRIJ 1301
    2. CRIJ 1306
    3. CRIJ 2313
    4. CRIJ 2328
    5. CRIJ 4311
    6. CRIJ 4321
  2. Criminology Elective:
    1. CRIJ 3311
    2. CRIJ 3315
    3. or approved Elective
  3. Criminal Justice Electives (6 hours, any level)
  4. Advanced Criminal Justice electives (6 hours)

Free Electives

18 hours, 9 of which must be advanced (can be fulfilled with minor)


Research Courses - 3 hours including: Research Methods: PSYC 3420, SOCI 4380, or SOWK 4380

Criminal Justice Field Experience - 3 hours: CRIJ 4340. If student has prior criminal justice field experience, faculty advisor may substitute an additional CRIJ advanced elective.

9 additional hours Modern Language


Required; 18-21 hours with at least 9 hours of advanced coursework.
