
BA English Writing

Catalog Term Fall 2012

Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: English
Concentration: Writing Concentration

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Special requirements within the core:

COMM 1315, 1360, 2373, or 3310

ENGL 2310 or 2320

Required Courses for Major

ENGL 3326

American Literature: ENGL 3322, 3324, or 3392

British Literature: ENGL 3382 or 3384

World Literature: ENGL 3330 or 3332

9 hours from the following, as advised:

- ENGL 3310

- ENGL 3316

- ENGL 3326

- ENGL 3350

- ENGL 4310

- ENGL 4312

- ENGL 4345

- ENGL 4347

Free Electives

12 ENGL electives, 6 at upper-division

9 hours 4000-level ENGL electives


12 hours in Spanish, French, or German


Required - 18 hours, including 9 advanced
