
BS Kinesiology Teacher Certification

Fall 2013

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Kinesiology
Concentration: Teacher Certification

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Special requirements within the core:

BIOL 2401

BIOL 2402

Required Courses for Major

HLTH 1306

HLTH 1370

KINA 1370

KINA 2378

KINA 3390

KINT 1301

KINT 3315

KINT 3320

KINT 3330

KINT 3350

KINT 3371

KINT 4330

KINT 4360

Elective Courses

9 hours of KINA electives


PEDG 2310

PEDG 3310

PEDG 3320

PEDG 3380

PEDG 4340

PEDG 4630

READ 3326

A grade of "C" or better required in ENGL 1301, ENGL 1302, MATH 1314, and PSYC 2471 for admission into teacher certification program. 

A grade of "C" or above required in professional program (45 hrs).

A grade of "B" or above required in KINA (required or elective) courses (20 hrs).

