Employee Identification Card
Because the employee ID you receive is dependent on the parking permit you purchase, you must first submit your order with parking. If you purchase a Reserved parking permit, your ID is printed on an access card and will also serve as your gate key. If you purchase a Non-Reserved permit or no permit at all, the ID is printed on a plain card without access capability.
Once your parking permit has been ordered, you can submit a photo through photoid@lamar.edu to the Photo ID office. The email must include your full name, Lamar ID number, date of birth, title, and department as well as the permit you’ve selected- Reserved, Non-Reserved, or No Parking.
The photo should be passport-style and meet the following requirements:Parking Permits
For a small fee, faculty and staff are eligible to receive reserved parking permits that allow them access to park in reserved lots that are close to office buildings. The Parking Office is located on the first floor of the Wimberly Building. Please call (409) 880-8917 or email Ms. Christian Parker at photoid@lamar.edu if you have any questions. For more information, visit /finance-and-operations/campus-operations/parking/faculty-staff-parking-permit-how-to.html
Mary and John Gray Library
The top floor of the library (floor eight) is a reception center often used for important campus events. The library is currently under renovation. The IT helpdesk and Media services are located on the seventh floor. To check out library books and order interlibrary loans you will need to obtain a library barcode sticker, available at the checkout desk, which will be attached to your employee identification card. The Campus Mail is located near the Library in the Carl Parker Building.
Phone and Internet
As a new faculty member, you will be issued an LEA username, which you will use to access your email, campus computers, and Lamar’s course management system, Blackboard. New faculty should receive their LEA username at New Faculty Orientation. For more information and assistance, visit /it-services-and-support/index.html.
LUConnect is the central hub for faculty and students to access email, Blackboard, Banner, Online Course Evaluations, build syllabi and vita, and other resources. A link to it is located in the top left hand corner of the 四虎影视 homepage. You can also access it directly @ https://luconnect.lamar.edu/. It is recommended that you register and reset your password in Password Self Service, which can be found at LUConnect. Password Reset can be used at any time to change or retrieve your password. When using your LEA username to log in email, Blackboard, and campus computers, do not include “@LEA.”
The IT Service Desk is located on the seventh floor of the Mary & John Gray Library in Room 707. For help call 409-880-2222 or email servicedesk@lamar.edu.
Regular Hours of Operation (CST):
Monday - Thursday | 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. |
Friday | 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. |
Saturday | 9:00a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |
Sunday | 12:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. |
(Schedule varies during holidays, semester break, and summer)
Using your Office Phone
Your phone should alert you with a flashing red light if you have a new message. You can check your voicemails by dialing 1890. You will be prompted for a pin number; the default pin is ‘12345’. Once you are in the voicemail menu you will be given several options, including an option to change your pin. To do so, select ‘4’ (change preferences), then ‘3’ (set-up options), then ‘1’ (change pin). Within the voicemail menu, you may check your messages, change your greeting, and choose other options. To check your voicemail from off-campus, dial 409-880-1890. When prompted, hit the star (*) button and type in your office extension and your pin number. Contact 409-880-2222 if you experience a problem.
For all on-campus calls just dial the last four digits of the phone number. If you need to make an off-campus call, dial 9 followed by the local number you wish to call. For long-distance calls, your department can provide a passcode. Check with your departmental administrative associate for this code and about department policies for long-distance calls.
Logging on to Campus Computers
Your office computer as well as open computers in classrooms and computer labs on campus can be accessed with your LEA username and password (the same one that you use to access your LU email). On the log-in page you will see several domains listed; choose “bmt” as the domain. Remember to log out of the computer before leaving since you are responsible for all activity conducted on a computer on which you are logged in.
You will log in to your email account through LUConnect. Lamar uses Microsoft Outlook 365. Instructions on configuring LU email for mobile devices can be found at /it-services-and-support/microsoft-office-365/index.html.
Blackboard/LU Learn
四虎影视 uses Blackboard, branded as LU Learn, as its Learning Management System. Support and guidance for using LU Learn are provided by the Center for Distance Learning and can be found online at /lu-online/blackboard-support/. You can contact the Blackboard support team at blackboard@lamar.edu or by calling 409-880-2222 or 1-866-585-1738.
Blackboard works best in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox web browsers. To log in to Blackboard use your LEA password just as you do for your LU email and for campus computers.
Self-Service Banner
The Banner system is 四虎影视’s online self-service system for accessing your personal information and student information. You can access Banner through the LU Connect gateway with your employee identification number login (L number). This login information is different from your LEA which you use to access your email, Blackboard, and campus computers. If you haven't been give an L number yet, you can obtain one on the first floor of the Wimberly Building. To log in to Banner at https://ssbprod.lamar.edu/btdb/twbkwbis.P_WWWLogin, your username will be your employee identification number found on your ID card (the long number that starts with L). Your initial password (PIN) is your six-digit birthdate (MMDDYY). When you log in to Banner you should change that PIN to a unique six-digit code of your choosing. You can email the service desk at servicedesk@lamar.edu or call 409-880-2222 or 1-866-585-1738 if you encounter a problem logging in to the Banner System.
Within Banner, you will have access to information about your courses and students, as well as your personal information. In Banner you can look at your teaching schedule, access rosters for your courses, submit mid-semester reports about students at academic risk, and submit final grades. You can also change your password and other personal information as well as access your payroll and tax information. For more information, visit /it-services-and-support/self-service-banner.html
Syllabi and CV
Colleges and universities in Texas are required to make available CVs for all of their faculty and syllabi for all of their courses. By the beginning of each semester you must provide a syllabus for each of your courses and ensure that your CV is up to date. If your CV or syllabi contain personal contact information, please remove these from the uploaded versions, as they are available to the public. Syllabi and CV can be uploaded by clicking on “Faculty Syllabi” under the “Faculty/Staff” menu in LU Connect.
The log-in credentials for this system are unique, since they differ by department not individual. You will log in with your LEA username, just as you do for your email, Blackboard, and campus computers, but you will be given a departmental password. If you have not received your departmental password for syllabi and vitae uploads, your department chair or administrative associate can provide it to you.
四虎影视 requires that certain information be included on your syllabi. Be sure that your syllabi include (1) the course name and number; (2) class times and location; (3) your office hours, office number, and contact information; (4) required texts and materials; (5) course description and requirements; (6) final exam schedule; (7) student learning outcomes; (8) the census and drop dates for the semester; (9) disability accommodation, academic honesty, grading, and attendance policies; (10) emergency procedures including procedures for severe weather, active shooter, and campus closure; and (11) the course schedule. Because of state laws limiting the number of courses students may drop, students must have at least one major grade in your course by the deadline for dropping without academic penalty and two major grades by the deadline for dropping with academic penalty. These dates change each semester; you can find these deadlines, along with campus holidays and planned closures, in the academic calendar available on the Lamar website.
For more information, visit /faculty-staff/academic-affairs/curriculum-council/syllabus-requirements.html
Online Course Evaluations (Watermark)
Near the end of every semester students have the opportunity to evaluate the courses they have taken through an online course evaluation system. Students will receive reminders by email about the evaluation period and procedures, and you will receive email updates about the completion status of evaluations for your courses. Both you and your students can access the online course evaluation system through LU Connect. Your students can also access it by clicking on a link provided in the emails they receive. Once grades are submitted and the semester is over you can access your online course evaluation results. You should encourage your students to complete these surveys as they provide valuable feedback about your teaching and may be required for inclusion in your annual review (the F2.08). The CTLE staff can assist you in using your course evaluations for continuous improvement.
Book Orders and Desk Copies
Policies for submitting book orders and ordering desk copies for your courses are set by departments. Speak with your departmental administrative associate for more information.
四虎影视 offers a number of programs, grants, and awards that support faculty research, creative activity, and teaching; some are available to junior faculty.
Research and Sponsored Programs
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is the central resource for grant-funded research projects. This office, located on the sixth floor of the Mary and John Gray Library, offers assistance in locating external funding opportunities, preparing inquiries and applications, maintaining compliance standards, and managing grants in accordance with university policy and state and federal laws and regulations. The office also processes invention disclosures, material transfer agreements, and nondisclosure/confidentiality agreements.
If you would like to apply for an outside grant, apply for a patent, or enter into any arrangement regarding research support with an outside agency, you must work through the Research and Sponsored Programs office, not on your own, to accord with university policies and protect yourself from personal liability. For more information, you can contact the Executive Assistant at 409-880-7670 or access their webpage at /research/index.html
Research Enhancement Grant
四虎影视 also offers an in-house grant opportunity called the Research Enhancement Grant, which is managed by the Office of Sponsored Programs and Research. The Research Enhancement Grant is an internal grant for creative and research activity available to all tenure-track 四虎影视 faculty. Monies are available to cover expenses including materials and equipment, student research assistants, travel related to research, and faculty stipends. The deadline for Research Enhancement Grant applications is in the spring semester.
More information about the Research Enhancement Grant as well as about external funding can be obtained by calling 409-880-7670 or at:
University Merit Award
Junior faculty and instructors are eligible to be nominated for the University Merit Award, which rewards outstanding performance with an emphasis on classroom performance and student interaction. The nomination process happens in the fall semester and awards are made in the spring semester. Any faculty member, whether tenure-track or non-tenure-track, who has served full time at Lamar for at least a year and currently teaches at least nine hours is eligible to be nominated.
Distinguished Faculty Fellowships
四虎影视 awards three-year fellowships to faculty for excellence in teaching and for excellence in research and creative activity. Distinguished faculty fellows receive course reductions and stipends. More information can be found at /faculty-staff/academic-affairs/forms/index.html
Presidential Faculty Fellowships
A number of Presidential Faculty Fellowships support and reward excellence in teaching, research, and creative activity. Fellowship announcements are made via campus announcements (in email). You may also find information about Presidential Faculty Fellowships at /faculty-staff/academic-affairs/forms/presidential-faculty-fellowships-in-support-of-teaching-innovation.html
Summer Faculty Research Awards
Assistant professors on the tenure track are eligible to apply for a summer research award to support the publication of research, scholarly, or creative project. Recipients receive a stipend to support full-time work on the project, resulting in it publication of the project, and agree to not teach during the award period.
Faculty Development Leave
Texas offers Faculty Development Leave to faculty, which is the equivalent of sabbaticals. Unlike many sabbatical programs, Faculty Development Leave is available to qualifying junior faculty. They can be an extremely helpful tool in preparing publications, such as a book manuscript, for your tenure file. You may apply for a semester-long Faculty Development Leave (Summer, Fall, or Spring) at full salary or for a year-long Leave at half-salary. Faculty Development Leaves are awarded by a Faculty Senate Committee once a year. Applications are due to the Faculty Senate in October and decisions are made at the end of the fall semester. Application guidelines are available in PDF format at /faculty-staff/forms.html.
Center for Teaching and Learning Enhancement
The Center for Teaching and Learning Enhancement (CTLE) is 四虎影视’s primary resource for faculty development initiatives. The Center offers a variety of programs throughout the year, including online programs, lunch-and-learn events, invited speakers and workshops, teaching certificates, and other events to support faculty in developing their teaching and research agendas. Events are announced via emailed campus announcements. The CTLE also offers a lending library and personalized services designed to solve specific problems you may encounter and to strengthen your teaching portfolio for the tenure-review process. The Director can be contacted at 409-880-8525 and more information is available at /ctle.
University Advising Center
四虎影视 offers centralized student advising through the University Undergraduate Advising Center (UAC), located in the Parker Building. All lower-division students are advised at the UAC; upper-level students who have declared a major are advised within their home department. The Undergraduate Advising Center tracks student performance, resolving problems before they overwhelm students. Faculty can help by referring students who exhibit any problems or academic difficulties to speak with their advisor. Additionally, the UAC will send progress reports to faculty; these are electronic, efficient, and secure. Faculty responses to progress reports provide advisors information on at-risk students; advisors will then reach out to students to identify resources and help.
Website: /advising/index.html
Phone: (409) 880-8822
Email: advising@lamar.edu
Student Tutoring and Retention (STAR) Services
Student Tutoring and Retention (STAR) Services provides learning support to undergraduate students at no additional cost. Through tutoring, academic coaching, collaborative learning sessions, and workshops, they empower learners to cultivate the skills, strategies, and behaviors to become successful lifelong learners. More information about their programs, including The LU Tutoring Center, LU Success, course-based learning sessions, and REDtalks at lamar.edu/stars, where you can also refer students to their services.
Please contact us at:
STAR Services, Communication, Room 109
Rachel Hoover, Director, 409-880-7201, stars@lamar.edu
Sarah Ridley, Coordinator, 409-880-7526, starstutoring@lamar.edu
Kelly Williams, LU Success Coordinator, COMM 109, 409-880-7137, LUsuccess@lamar.edu
The Writing Center
In addition to STARS tutoring, 四虎影视 has a very active Writing Center that serves all courses, across the curriculum, in which written assignments are given. The Writing Center offers in-person and online tutoring sessions to assist students at all stages of the writing process from understanding assignment sheets and planning a paper to revising a paper and formatting a bibliography. The Center also offers workshops on common writing issues and concerns. Faculty members can request a classroom visit from the Writing Center Director or tutors to introduce students to the services of the Writing Center and to encourage student use of the services. Faculty can also request in-class workshops for their courses, either choosing from a list of existing workshops or requesting a specific workshop to meet their disciplinary or assignment needs. They can be contacted at uwc@lamar.edu, by calling 409-880-8571, or at /arts-sciences/writing-center/.
Library Services
As the Writing Center, the Mary and John Gray Library offer many resources for students and faculty. It also fully supports faculty and students for research purposes. For assistance, call 409-880-2135. You can also find further faculty support options at /library/services/faculty-support.html.
Accessibility Resource Center
Lamar is committed to providing equal access to students with disabilities, and faculty are required by law to provide academic adjustments and accommodations for students in accordance with their accommodation plan. Students with disabilities are responsible for applying to the Accessibility Resource Center and providing documentation of their disability. They will then be provided with an Accommodation Plan, which they are responsible for providing to their instructors. If you have any questions or concerns about appropriate and required accommodations and adjustments or about how to implement such accommodations and adjustments, contact the Director of the Accessibility Resource Center at 409-880-8026. The ARC is located in room 105 of the Communications building. For further information please see their website: /disability-resource-center/.
Counseling Services
四虎影视 offers two counseling services on campus. The Student Health Center offers free counseling to students by professional counselors. Additionally, the Psychology Department offers a free clinic staffed by graduate students under the supervision of a faculty member.
The Student Health Center is located at 857 East Virginia, across from the dining hall and next to the tennis courts and the Communication building. They can be reached at 409-880-8466.
The Psychology Clinic provides free counseling services to anybody in the Beaumont community, including Lamar students and staff, as well as their family members. It is located in the Social and Behavioral Science Building, room 202. The Clinic's phone number is 409-880-7783. They are open Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Vacation/Sick Leave Forms (F3.6)
Employees at 四虎影视 must fill out monthly sick leave online forms, which are available through the Banner system. If there has been a holiday or some other exceptional circumstance during the month, ask your departmental administrative associate for more information.
Annual Performance Evaluation (F2.08)
四虎影视 conducts an annual performance evaluation of each employee. Faculty members submit the F2.08 form, which documents job performance during the calendar year, to their department chairs each January. The F2.08 is divided into three main sections: teaching and instructional activities; research, publication, scholarship and/or creative activities; and professional service to the discipline, university and/or community. Tenure-track faculty must complete all three of these sections while non-tenure-track faculty are only required to complete the teaching section. The F2.08 form contains appendices with information about what to include in each section. The form can be found at /faculty-staff/forms.html.
Travel Procedures
Navigating procedures and forms for academic travel can be a frustrating part of transitioning to a new school. There are often early deadlines that, if not met, can impede your ability to get reimbursed for travel. Travel funds tend to be allocated by department so check with your department chair at the beginning of the year about how much money is available for travel before committing to any conferences. Some departments include a form for travel requests in their annual packet of forms. Once you have decided on conference travel, you will need to submit a F3.32 form (Request to Travel at University Expense) to your chair or to whichever department is covering your travel expenses at least three weeks prior to making any travel plans. Your projected expenses, reported and calculated on this form, must be approved in order for your travel money to be encumbered. Unless this money is encumbered your travel expenses will not be reimbursed. Once you return from your trip, you will need to turn in a travel voucher with all your supporting materials and necessary receipts.
Travel within the United States does not require receipts for meals; meals are reimbursed at a per diem rate that varies by city. Foreign travel entails a more complicated process. First, in addition to the Request to Travel form you will need to fill out other forms. For foreign travel, you must submit the F3.32 form (Request to Travel at University Expense), ITAR, Foreign Travel Request and Release of Liability, and an Itinerary of your trip. These forms are all due to the President’s office at least 45 days prior to your trip; they must travel through a university chain before they get to the President’s office so be sure to turn them in early. Unlike domestic travel, foreign travel requires receipts for meals and all other expenses so be sure to save your receipts and to convert the costs to US Dollars.
State policies regarding travel reimbursement change from time to time. For detailed and updated information about these policies and other procedures and forms related to other forms of travel such as grant-funded and group travel can be found at /finance-and-operations/administrative-services/travel.html. For more information, you may call 409-880-8383.
Campus Safety
As on all college campuses, crimes occasionally occur at 四虎影视. Faculty are advised to lock their cars and offices when they are not in them, and to take care when walking on campus at night. In addition, some of the neighborhoods around campus are dangerous so be cautious when walking around near campus. Occasionally, classroom disruptions can get out of hand and require outside assistance.
If you feel unsafe on campus, contact Campus Police immediately at 409-880-8311.
Emergencies and Evacuations
In the case of a hurricane, you should prepare for evacuation, including filling your car with gasoline. The university will make an announcement if an evacuation is ordered. After the incident, local media and the Lamar administrators will announce the resumption of campus operations and classes. You can also call the voice mail number at 409-880-7011 to hear a recorded message informing you whether it is safe to return to campus. Do not return to campus until the Emergency Operations Center Incident Commander has completed safety and security inspections and the campus has been officially reopened.
In the event of an evacuation, faculty are asked to continue their face-to-face classes online through Blackboard to the best of their ability. You will receive instructions on doing so should this situation arise, but it is a good idea to be prepared.
Lamar uses the Connect-Ed system for emergency announcements. Faculty are asked to please add an off-campus phone number, such as a cell phone number, to their personal information in LU Connect (self-service banner). In the event of a campus emergency or a weather-related school closure, registered cell phones will receive a message with information. In rare circumstances, the campus may issue a warning of imminent danger through an emergency siren system. If you hear the siren, you should stop what you are doing and assess the safety of your situation. If you can safely do so, seek information and get to a safe area for shelter as soon as you can.
SectiongroupCampus Fitness and Recreational Sports Facilities
四虎影视 has several recreational sports facilities that faculty can enjoy. Some of these facilities are available to all faculty and staff, while others are available with the purchase of a membership. Free campus facilities include the Thompson Family Tennis Center, Ty Terrell Track, and Indoor pool. The track is located next to the Sheila Umphrey Recreational Sports Center; the indoor pool is located in the Health and Human Performance Complex Building A, across the parking lot from the Sheila Umphrey Recreational Sports Center; and the tennis center is around the corner, across the street from the dining hall behind the Student Health Center.
Faculty can purchase a membership for Campus Recreational Sports that allows access to additional facilities on campus. The Sheila Umphrey Recreational Sports Center offers cardio exercise machines with TVs, weight machines, free weights, group fitness classes, basketball, racquetball, and other racquet sports courts, a climbing wall, an indoor track, a soccer/hockey rink, and a putting green. The Center also hosts a pro shop, café, and lounge, and rents out sports and camping equipment. A Recreational Sports membership gives members access to the golf driving range along with free equipment rental. You may have your monthly fee automatically deducted from your paycheck; this can be done by visiting the Cashier’s office in the Wimberly Building. Family memberships are also available. For more information, visit /students/student-engagement/recreational-sports/index.html
Local Arts and Cultural Events
四虎影视 and Southeast Texas have active art, music, dance, and theater scenes. There are many opportunities to attend campus performances featuring students, faculty, and staff, including plays, dance performances, and concerts. In addition, Southeast Texas boasts at least seven theaters holding live performances, three ballet companies, and the Symphony of Southeast Texas, not to mention the many live musical acts in the area. Be sure to check out the local performances of President Emeritus Jimmy Simmons, a leader in the local jazz scene.
The campus has an active and exciting art museum, the Dishman Art Museum, which houses an extensive permanent collection and features exhibits of professional and student work. Exhibition opening receptions are popular social events for the campus and the surrounding community. The Art Museum of Southeast Texas, located at 500 Main Street in Beaumont, features a collection of American art spanning the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. It offers discounted memberships for teachers, including 四虎影视 faculty.
Aside from these art museums, Beaumont has an active arts community. The Beaumont Art League offers classes and exhibits throughout the year. The Art Studio is a particular favorite among the university community; they offer studio space and exhibitions and events that are attended by many faculty and students.
Southeast Texas is also home to several other museums and historic houses, including the Edison Museum, which displays artifacts related to Thomas Edison; Spindletop, a historic oil boom town located on campus; the Fire Museum of Texas, featuring fire-fighting equipment dating back to 1856; the Clifton Steamboat Museum; the Museum of the Gulf Coast, containing a variety of exhibitions on regional topics ranging from dinosaurs to Janice Joplin; and the McFaddin Ward House and John Jay French Museum, two historic houses in the area. In nearby Orange, the Stark Foundation supports several cultural venues including the Stark Museum of Art, the Stark House, Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center, and the Lutcher Theater.
Outdoor and Sporting Activities
For those interested in outdoor activities, the area offers a host of opportunities, including nearby Crystal Beach and Sea Rim State Park on the Gulf Coast, and the Big Thicket National Preserve, including Village Creek State Park, to our north. Pleasure Island in Port Arthur offers sailing classes.
Like most college campuses, 四虎影视 has many student athletic organizations. Tickets for sporting events can be purchased at the Ticket Office in the Montagne Center (the large athletic facility across MLK Blvd). Bring your Lamar ID card to qualify for discounted rates for faculty and staff. Some sporting events that are housed in the McDonald gym (part of the same building as the Campus Recreational Sports Center) are free for Lamar faculty and staff.
Questions and suggestions for additions or changes to this guide can be directed to the Center for Teaching & Learning Enhancement Director.
Faculty Success support is available 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. We are committed to the highest ideals of confidentiality in all matters.
Casey Ford | Assistant Director of Faculty Success
For questions about the CITL: CITL@lamar.edu
For questions about Blackboard: blackboard@lamar.edu