
Bachelor of Science in Earth Science

2 students looking through microscopes in a Geology lab

The geosciences (geology and earth science) curriculum is intended to enable students to achieve success as skilled professionals in the geosciences. With a Bachelor of Science degree in geology or Earth science successful graduates may find employment in the energy and other resource industries, in Earth system sciences (environmental, atmospheric and oceanographic sciences), in government agencies, and in K-12 teaching.  Space science courses can augment this degree.  

Teacher Certification

Students wishing to teach earth science in Texas public schools should consult with the department chair for detailed information.

Minor in Earth Science

The program require 21 hours, a minimum of nine of which must be in upper-division courses.

Minor in Earth Science (21 credit hours required, no grade less than “C”)

Required lower division courses (12 hours): 
GEOL 1403 Physical Geology, GEOL 1404 Historical Geology, GEOL 2471 Mineralogy-Petrology. Upper division courses (9 hours): GEOL 3410 Statistics and Data Processing, GEOL 2377 Physical Geology & Geomorphology Lab (GEOL 4101), GEOL 3390 Environmental Geography and Geology, GEOL 3420 Structural Geology, GEOL 3450 Petrology, GEOL 4301 Dinosaurs, GEOL 4360 Field Geology in Texas, GEOL 4370 Meteorology, GEOL 4371 Economic Resources with Lab (GEOL 4101), GEOL 4380 Oceanography with Lab (GEOL 4101), GEOL 4390 Rocks and Stars, GEOL 4410 Stratigraphy and Sedimentology, GEOL 4420 Paleontology, GEOL 4101 Applied Geoscience Seminar