
Test Eligibility


All Educator Preparation Candidates are required to take each test during or completion of the courses listed below.

Test Name and Number Course
EC-6 Core Subjects (391)
4-8 Core Subject (211)
PEDG 3300
4-8 CORE Subjects ELAR (806)
4-8 ELAR (217)
READ 3350
READ 3390
Science of Teaching Reading- STR (293) READ 3350
READ 3390
4-8 Core Subjects Math (807)
4-8 Math (115)
PEDG 3350
4-8 CORE Subjects Social Studies (808)
4-8 Social Studies (118)
PEDG 3351
4-8 Core Subjects Science (809)
4-8 Science (116)
4-8 Math/Science (114)
PEDG 3352
EC-12 PPR (160)
EC-12 PPR (160) (Music Students)

PEDG 4340 or PEDG 4380
MUSI 3380

Please Note: The following exams require a Department Approval before students are allowed to take the Lamar Proficiency Exams. Contact the department and request that a departmental approval form be sent to the TExES office at texes@lamar.edu
Test Name and Number Course
EC -12 Music (177) (Music Students)   MUSI 3310
EC -12 Health (257)
EC-12 Art (178)
EC-12 Physical Education (258)
7-12 Math (235)
7-12 Social Studies (232)
7-12 History (233)
7-12 ELAR (331)
7-12 Life Science (238)
7-12 Science (236)
PEDG 3380

Please Note: There is not a Lamar Proficiency Test for these content areas below:
The following exams require a Department Approval for the TExES State exams before allowed to test: Contact the department and request that a departmental approval form be sent to
the TExES office at texes@lamar.edu
Test Name and Number Course
6-12 Dance (279)
EC -12 ASL (184)
EC -12 Spanish LOTE (613)
EC -12 French LOTE (610)
EC-12 Theatre (180)
PEDG 3380
EC-12 Family Consumer Science (200) PEDG 3380 course not required

Study Plan Review:

  • The Study Plan Review will provide assignments based upon each student performance on the LU proficiency and TExES state exam(s).
  • Each assignment is designed to target the competencies and domains that need additional focus, ensuring a greater understanding of the material being tested.
  • A Study Plan Review will be implemented after the 1st attempt of the LU proficiency exam(s) and TExES state exam(s).
  • If you are unsuccessful on the 1st attempt on either exam (s), you are required to contact the faculty of which the exam is associated for the course and schedule a remediation review, bring your score report and pick-up a remediation documentation form from the TExES office to bring to the faculty.
  • Students are required to complete all assignments of the Study Plan Review.
  • If students have any questions email the TExES office at texes@lamar.edu.

Additional Test Preparation Materials:
For access to 240 Tutoring, email Dr. Elizabeth Casey at jcasey4@lamar.edu.

Clinical Teaching/Residency:

Before students are eligible to enroll in Clinical Teaching or Residency:

Clinical Teachers: (1 Semester) (No Exceptions)

  • Students must take the required Content Area including STR (for EC-6 and 4-8 content area students) AND EC-12 PPR Lamar Proficiency Exam(s)
  • Students must pass the required Content Area including STR (for EC-6 and 4-8 content area students)  AND EC-12 PPR TExES State Exam(s).

Residency Students (1Year = 2 Semesters): (No Exceptions) 

  • Beginning 1/1/2025 Residency Students are exempt from taking the LPE PPR EC-12 Exam, and the State PPR EC-12 TExES exam.
  • Students must take the required Content Area including STR (for EC-6 and 4-8 content area students) Lamar Proficiency Exam(s)
  • Students must pass the required Content Area including STR (for EC-6 and 4-8 content area students)TExES State Exam(s).

Please Note: If students do not take the required Content Area including STR (for EC-6 and 4-8 content area students)Lamar Proficiency Exam(s) AND pass the required Content Area TExES State Exam(s), including STR (for EC-6 and 4-8 content area students) students will not be eligible for Clinical Teaching or Residency.

If students have any questions email Dr. Elizabeth Casey at jcasey4@lamar.edu or Dr. Donna Gober at dlgober@lamar.edu.

Proficiency Tests Offered

Tests are administered Computer Based unless Marked*
Test Code

Test Name

Time Limit


EC - 12 Pedagogy & Professional Responsibilities

5 hours


EC-6 Core


EC-6 Core Subjects

5 hours

EC-6 Core- Full Test


EC-6 Core English, Lang. Arts, Reading

1 hr. 45 min.


EC-6 Core Math

1 hour


EC-6 Core Social Studies

35 min.


EC-6 Core Science

40 min.


EC-6 Fine Arts, Health, Physical Education

40 min.

Science of Teacher Reading—STR


 Science of Teacher Reading-STR

 5 hours

4-8 Core Subjects / 4-8 Tests Codes


4-8 Core Subjects

5 hours

4-8 Core Full Test-Calculator Provided


4-8 Core English, Lang. Arts & Reading

1 hr. 55 min.



4-8 Core Math

1 hr. 55 min.

Approved Calculator Provided


4-8 Core Social Studies

50 min.


4-8 Core Science

50 min.


4-8 English, Lang. Arts & Reading

5 hours


4-8 Math

5 hours


4-8 Math/Science

5 hours



4-8 Science

4-8 Social Studies

5 hours

5 hours



7-12 Test Codes


7-12 English, Language Arts, & Reading

5 hours


7-12 History

5 hours


7-12 Life Science

5 hours


7-12 Math*

5 hours

Approved Graphing Calculator Allowed


7-12 Physical Science

5 hours


7-12 Science*

5 hours


7-12 Social Studies

5 hours



Physical Education

5 hours



5 hours



5 hours