3.2: Classification Plan Definition of Terms


Issued: 4/1/00

Revised: 5/01/02; 1/01/07

The definitions set forth below are applicable only to employees and positions in the Classification plan.1

1. Class of Positions refers to one or more positions which are sufficiently similar with respect to duties and responsibilities that (a) the same descriptive title may be applied to each position in the class, (b) the same general qualifications are needed for the performance of the duties of the class, (c) the same tests of fitness may be used to recruit employees, and (d) the same schedule of compensation may be applied with equity to all positions in the class under the same or substantially similar conditions of employment.

2. Job Description is the written description of typical duties and responsibilities, extent of supervision received and given, educational and experience requirements, and other pertinent allocation factors for a given class of positions. It is a class specification and not a description of an individual position.

3. Allocation is the assignment of an individual position to an appropriate class of positions on the basis of the kind, complexity, and responsibility of the work performed in the position.

4. Position refers to a group of current duties and responsibilities assigned or delegated by competent authority, which require the full or part-time employment of one person.

5. Promotion refers to the permanent movement of an employee from a position in one class (title) to another class having more complex duties and/or responsibilities and a salary range with a higher minimum and maximum.

6. Demotion is the permanent movement of an employee from a position in one class (title) to another class having less complex duties and/or responsibilities and a salary range with a lower minimum and maximum.

7. Transfer is a permanent lateral change of an employee from one position to another position of the same class (title) in another department or a different work unit within the same department. A transfer involves no substantial change of duties, responsibilities, or qualifications.

8. Regular Employees are those employees who are appointed for at least twenty (20) hours per week for a period of a minimum of four and one half months, excluding students employed in positions which require student status as a condition for employment. Only regular employees of institutions of higher education shall be eligible for paid holidays, vacation, sick leave, retirement, group insurance, and all other benefits. Vacation and sick leave accrual rates are prorated in accordance with the percentage of the forty (40) hour work week the employee actually works. Regular employees are paid on a monthly basis.

9. Temporary Employees are employees who are appointed for less than four and one-half months. Temporary employees are not eligible for sick and vacation leave, holiday pay, insurance premium sharing, or any other benefits. Temporary employees may be paid on a salary or on an hourly basis.

10. Administrative Professional (Non-Teaching) Employees are assigned primary and major responsibility for the management of the University or a recognized department or subdivision thereof, without instructional responsibilities.

11. Student Employees are those who hold a position that requires the incumbent be a student of the University, currently enrolled in classes. These employees are restricted to work not more than 20 hours a week during the semester. Student Assistants and Work Study Students will be hourly paid employees while Graduate Assistants, Research Assistants, and Teaching Assistants will be paid monthly.

12. Exempt Employees are the incumbents of positions which are exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. To qualify as "exempt" the positions must meet applicable tests relating to duties, responsibilities, and salary.2

13. Non-Exempt Employees are those employed in positions that are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).3

14. Layoff refers to nonprejudicial separation of an employee because of lack of work or funds. It does not involve delinquency, misconduct, or inability of the employee to perform the job. (See retrenchment policy)

15. Full-time refers to any employee with an appointment or number of appointments which combine to make the regular work week 40 hours or class load which equals a full load as defined in the Faculty Handbook.

16. Part-time refers to any employee whose appointment is less than full-time.

17. Hourly non-student employee whose pay is based on an hourly rate. Appointments are not to exceed four and one-half (4-1/2) months.

Employees may hold positions which are defined by a combination of these terms: i.e., Regular, Part-time - an employee whose assignment is less than full-time but more than 20 hours a week and therefore benefits eligible. Part-time, hourly - an appointment of less than twenty hours a week, paid on the basis of an hourly rate.


1 Texas Government Code §654 & 659

2 Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

3 Ibid