


Availability: Meningitis vaccines are available at the SHC subject to stock availability. All prices are subject to change. An appointment must be made and the vaccine must be paid for before the immunization administration. Please call (409) 880-8466 to make an appointment. Other sources for the vaccine include pharmacies, doctor's offices, and clinics.

Requirement: The latest information regarding the bacterial meningitis vaccine is available on the Office of Admissions and Recruitment website.

Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV-4) covers 4 strains of meningitis (A, C, Y, W) and meets the state requirements for admission into an institution of higher education. Although highly recommended, the Meningitis-B vaccine does not meet the state recommendations, nor is it required for admission.

Your vaccination record should be turned into:

Records Office: Wimberly Building Room 102
Phone: 409-880-7529
Fax: 409-880-7769
Email:  immunization@lamar.edu


Tuberculosis testing is available for all students. International students must follow the regulations outlined in the Latent Tuberculosis Policy. For an appointment at the Student Health Center, call 409-880-8466.

Two TB tests are available at the SHC. The QuantiFERON TB Gold+ blood test requires just one office visit. The other test is the TB skin test.

The TB skin test requires two office visits. During your first office visit, you receive your injection. On the second visit, you are checked for a reaction to the injection. 

The Student Health Center administers the test as follows:

TB Test Schedule
Injection Date  Result Date
Monday  Wednesday
Tuesday  Thursday
Friday  Monday

Latent Tuberculosis Policy for 四虎影视

Since the fall semester of 2013, 四虎影视 has implemented a tuberculosis (TB) screening policy for all students with an F1 or J1 visa attending classes on the 四虎影视 campus. A TB hold prevents class registration until the screening requirements are met.

Complete these steps to manage your TB hold:

  1. Log into the and complete the Health History and TB Screening forms.
  2. When you receive a notice in your Lamar email account to log into the patient portal, log in and read the results of the review of your forms. 
    • TB hold will either be released permanently or temporarily so you can register for class.
    • If temporarily released, you will be given additional instructions that must completed.
    • Completion of the additional instructions is mandatory before final release of the TB hold.
  3. If you are instructed to have TB testing, you must have one of the following performed: a skin test, QuantiFERON test, or T-Spot test.
    • No other tests are accepted.
    • The test may be performed in your home country or the United States.
    • Testing performed on students to be on the Student Health Insurance plan will be provided free of charge at the SHC.
  4. Further steps may be required, based on your test results. A positive result will not keep you from attending 四虎影视. 
  5. Failure to complete any additional steps assigned steps will result in the TB hold being reactivated. This will affect your progress in your chosen program.

All TB documentation must include the following:

  • Name of the medical facility performing the test
  • Date of the TB skin test injection or date of TB blood test blood draw.
  • Date the TB skin test was read or date the TB blood test was resulted.
  • Skin test results must state "negative" or "positive" or show the results in millimeters (mm). QuantiFERON and T-spot results must state “negative” or “positive”.
  • Documentation must be in English.
  • Documentation signed by a qualified and licensed health care provider.

Documents that do not meet these requirements may be rejected.

Additional Clinics for Tuberculosis Testing

Mid County Urgent Care
1908 Hwy 365
Nederland, TX 77642
(409) 729-1900
Monday - Saturday 8 AM - 8 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

AFC Urgent Care
3195 Dowlen Road, Ste 105
Beaumont, TX 77706
(409) 271-6225
Daily 8 AM - 8 PM

Legacy Community Health
450 North 11th St.
Beaumont, TX 77702
(409) 242-2577
Call for availability

Gulf Coast Health Center
2548 Memorial Blvd
Port Arthur, TX 77640
(409) 983-1161
Current patients only
TB testing available

CVS Minute Clinic

2712 State Highway 365
Nederland, TX 77627-4110

CVS Minute Clinic

2950 Dowlen Road
Beaumont, TX 77706


CALL 988


Text "HOME" to 741741
Envía un texto con la palabra AYUDA a 741741


On campus: (409) 880-7777
or use emergency phones (poles with blue lights)

Off campus: 911

After Hour Care Resources



Phone: (409) 880-8466
Fax: (409) 880-7703
Email:  shc@lamar.edu


4465 Jimmy Simmons Blvd.
Beaumont, TX 77705
Inside the Sheila Umphrey Recreational Sports Center

Campus Quad Background Mental Health Services Available